Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Vote....At Last....

Today is November 6th and voting day around the country. I, for one, am delighted to vote and get this whole process over with since it has been an expensive (4 billion spent by both candidates to date) and negative one on the candidates part. I dread this every four years because it has divided this country right down the middle on political issues. I don't remember voting being so negative and with such hot button issues when I was a child.....a long time ago. But it seems to have become that way with the advent of social networks, 24 hour cable news networks, and pundits who are adamant that their "party" be in control on election day...be it Democrat or Republican. I am sick to death of the name calling, exaggerating issues and facts, and candidates that seem to only care about the party and not the people. This is a statement of my own thoughts and beliefs and not so much of my family or friends.

To begin with, I am a registered independent voter. I tend to vote for the person not the party, which is unheard of most of the time. I don't care about the two parties and believe they have not served this country well at all. When you have a President that is trying to do what he believes is the best for this country and the Representatives in the house have fought him for at least the last two years, truly bites my behind. To be fair, it happened with the last President too. We do not need gridlock, we need to keep this country going and that sometimes means compromise. What bothers me most of all is what we are showing and teaching our children. Do you think they don't hear the commercials? Do you think they don't see people arguing about the candidates and talking in a low manner about the "other" one. Children tend to copy their elders in so many ways and negative talk is one of them. I'm all for open debate and think it can have a positive impact on children if parents are sitting and listening with open minds. Discussing what the candidates are talking about and not what the pundits are talking about is important for children. But that is me and how I raised my children. They are all grown and can make their own choices, but we tried to give them all perspectives.

I would like this country and the people living in it to come together no matter who is elected today. I don't want to hear @#%$%%# got elected or did not get elected. Let's just wrap our heads and our hearts around the one who will be President these next four years and work for the betterment of this country and the people who desperately need a sense of unity. Let's get people in the House and Senate who truly want to help all the people (no matter their color, age, income level  or sexual preference) and not their "party" to a richer, more fulfilling life.  It takes a lot to stand up and say, "I don't agree with you, but we will work together for all." Let's hope that happens after today and that we can move on toward a lessening of the debt, quality health care and equality for everyone. This is my wish for a better America. My flag is flying everyday and I am so proud and blessed to have been born in the free country of America where we can all say what is on our minds without fear of punishment. 

Oh, yes, in Oregon we vote by mail and my ballot was sent in over a week ago. Lots of issues in Oregon to decide how this state will be run and I feel good about my choices. On the federal level I did vote for the person whom I think is the best choice for President..........and with that I will tell you I voted for.........the WINNER.

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