These last few weeks have been tough ones for some of the countries of this world. The life changing problems in Japan are sad and scary for a country of people who have seen and experienced massive destruction before. The problems in Libya are also of concern to the world. For me it has been a couple of weeks of deep thought and prayer. In that short time I have learned of three men whose work on this earth is done.
One amigo is a man I went to school with in Harvey, Illinois in the early 60's named Roger Johnson. While I know him from our high school days, we were not close friends....I just knew him then and know him now because he helped organize our reunions. His daughter started a blog for him after he was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer last June and keeps everyone updated on his condition. It sounds like his fight will be done soon as she has asked for many thoughts and prayers for his struggle in these last days of his life.
Another amigo was my cousin Joy's husband, Jim Davis (his boys called him Batman). He passed away March 17, 2011 after a very short battle with stage 4 lung cancer. I found Joy on face book three weeks ago after losing track of her more than 30 years ago. I am trying to get as much information about our very large family for the ancestry book I am working on and found her via face book, just as I did with cousin Roger. I was saddened to hear of Jim's illness and very surprised at how little time they had to deal with the impending loss of Joy's love and father of their two sons and ensuing families. They, too, had asked for and relied heavily on positive thougths and prayer through a blog set up by one of their daughters-in law.
The last amigo is a man named Lee Johnson (no relation to the Roger Johnson above) who passed away on March 22, 2011. He was the husband of a colleague of mine, Mary Lou, who was my boss as the director of Special Needs in the school district for which I worked before retiring. Mary Lou was a straightforward boss, but also empathetic to the needs of all children. She and I retired around the same time. While I did not personally know her husband Lee, I did learn about him through a blog the family started after he was diagnosed with 2 brain tumors. It is titled "Fronk's Health" (Fronk is a nickname from college days) and mostly written by one of his daughters, but Lee did on occasion post some of his own thoughts. He went through all the treatments for cancer, but the severity of it was evident to him as he wrote piece after piece detailing his feelings and thoughts. It is the deeply moving last entry in Fronk's journal of life that was posted by his daughter after his death that touched me the most. She found it among his written musings and surmised he had written it in December to be posted at a later time. I am inserting that last blog entry here in its entirety as it was written by Fronk. While I did not receive permission to do so, somehow I don't think he or Mary Lou would mind. It is as follows:
Your writing and deep thoughts takes my breath away. I feel honored to be your friend and sister.